A common question I get from both men and women is what nutrition will help with hair loss.
For men it can affect the temples and crown of the head, the entire scalp, or even other areas of the body. Normal hair loss is defined as losing 100 or less hairs per day. Anything beyond this can indicate an issue:
- Genetic predisposition to hair loss. Male- and Female-pattern baldness is hereditary, and follows specific patterns gradually as we age. This affects over 80 million people in the US.
- Hormonal related balding
- Thyroid fluctuations
- Medications
- Medical Conditions (ringworm, etc.)
- Stress
- Weight loss
- Nutritional deficiency
Some of these can be addressed with nutritional therapy. A focus on better diet can bring the required nutrients to each organ, including our digestive tract. Over time this can improve the absorption of micronutrients which can improve our hair, skin, nails, and body in general. By strengthening our hair at the roots, we can minimize hair fall and the results can begin to be seen after 6 months. It’s a long process; but the BEST way to get to the root of the problem (pun intended).
Some complementary and alternate actions (in addition to a doctor’s Rx) to strengthen your hair roots and follicles are to use cleaner products on your head (sunscreen, lotions, shampoo, conditioner, oils, serums); to have a cleaning regimen (including moisturizer and toner) for your scalp regularly; and to provide nutrition to your scalp regularly. This can be done topically with a product like Phyto phytologist designed for hair strengthening, or changing your diet and absorption. Some of these changes can include caffeine-based lotions and shampoos, capsaicin, marine protein supplements, melatonin, procyanidins (plant-based anti-inflammatory flavonoids found in apples, cacao, cinnamon, grapes, tea, pumpkin seeds, & rosemary oil).
Hair loss can have a significant emotional and social impact on individuals – women especially. This only highlights the importance of better dietary decision and overall clean nutrition. In some cases a lab test can help to identify any gaps in nutrition that contribute to hair fall. Partner with a functional health practitioner that can accompany you during your health journey, and help empower stronger roots to health. Contact me for an initial consult and customized strategy for this journey.