From the most recent data in China (March 16, 2020 Study), we’ve learned that children (0-18) ARE susceptible to COVID-19, but ther symptoms are generally less severe compared to adults.  Other key learnings include:

  • The number of boys vs. girls were similar
  • Of the total children’s population infected, 4% were asymptomatic, 50% were mild symptoms, 37% were moderate, & 9% were severe/critical.
  • 9% of infected children had severe symptoms, compared to 18.5% of infected adults which had severe symptoms from a February, 2020 analysis of China outbreak.
  • Of the 9% of children which had severe symptoms:
    • 11% were aged 0-1
    • 86% were aged 2-15
    • 3% were aged 16-18

It is theorized this may be due to younger children’s immune systems not being as developed, but we don’t know conclusively.  No age was spared, however it seems that children generally have less severity.

Our analysis is always only as good as the data we use to analyze.  We don’t know the accuracy of the reported number of cases in China, but all we can do is infer from the existing data and use it to forge ahead in the best way possible.