Many clients are off the sugar train but want to know how to eat salt healthier. In fact I just had a health coach colleague ask how his clients could eat more sodium cleanly. So because the universe is uniting me with these clean salt/sodium queries, here’s my take.
This blog is NOT intended for kidney patients or folks with high blood pressure. There are occasions where some folks need to ensure adequate sodium in their diets, and there are times where you occasionally want a salty or savory treat (vs a sweet one). So for those occasions,
Here are some clean foods that can serve as a savory snack. Watch the fat and calories if you are maintaining your weight.
- Roasted Chickpeas/Mung beans. Indian stores carry assorted roasted lentils, and that’s a smart way to get your plant based protein, fiber, and minerals which include magnesium-critical for maintaining good health.
- Salted nuts. Brazil nuts are especially good for cholesterol lowering (see previous blog about this), and macadamia nuts are especially good for nervous and immune systems.
- Nori snack. Great for heart health, digestion, and long chain omega-3 health. This is especially good for escorting toxins out of the body and I use this on days where I have gotten an X-ray or mammogram.
- Salted baked kale chips. Crisps up like a thin potato chip, and yet it is just fiber, minerals, and water. This is a win-win however you eat it.
- Olives. Salty and sour olives in any color give you the benefit of a ferment with the filling of a healthy fat. It is cell-protective and helps with chronic inflammation.
- Edamame. Frozen, boiled, or steamed are healthier options than roasted edamame. But this snack is packed with plant based proteins, vitamins, and minerals. It blends into a creamy hummus well too.
- Guacamole. Creamy, salty, sour guac is always a win-win in my home. Eat it with vegetables, chips, or in a wrap – it’s packed with minerals, fats, and fiber.
- Nut butters. Two tablespoons constitutes a serving for nut butter. Whether you spoon it out or spread it on fruits or rice cakes – it is filled with protein and healthy fat.
- Stuffed dates. Doubling as both a sweet and savory snack, it’s a winner when filled with a nut butter
- Air-popped popcorn. Not weighed down with butters, this crispy snack satisfied the salty cravings and fills your nostrils with memories of pre-corona movie theatre days.