As Diabetes and Pre-diabetes continue to be prevalent in one third of the US, we must find ways to empower ourselves away from insulin sensitivity and all the complications that go with it. Some of the best foods that help us do this are satisfying, nutrient dense, fibrous, and/or satiating. What are they?
- Beans/Legumes. Plant based proteins are where it’s at for you, the environment, and sustainability. But legumes have been on my daily menu since I was born! They are inexpensive, nutritious, and delicious! Most varieties are rich in B vitamins, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and fiber with a very low glycemic index – which helps better prevent or manage diabetes
- Greens. The amount of vegetable servings we need is so high that it’s just smart to include greens of your choice daily. They have a variety of minerals, antioxidants, and vitamin C. In addition to leafy greens, most garden vegetables (think broccoli & squashes) fall into this category. This helps diabetics reduce inflammation, cellular damage, and nourish their microbiome – and yes, green juices count but it’s better to eat them!
- Apple Cider Vinegar. Known to help alkalize the body and a great base for salad dressing, this liquid has been shown to help with glycemic control.
- Nuts. Almonds, Brazil nuts, Cashews, Hazelnuts, Macadamia, Pecans, Pistachios, and Walnuts. (Peanuts are technically legumes). Each variety may have it’s special characteristics but as a group, they are known to reduce inflammation, blood sugar, A1C readings, and cholesterol; and also to improve heart health.
- Garlic. It’s a species of the Allium family like onions. In addition to being a seasoning for centuries, it’s low calorie and nutrient dense containing B and C vitamins, manganese, Selenium, and fiber. It’s reputed to improve blood glucose management, hypertension, and cholesterol.
- Seeds. Flaxseeds, Chi Seeds, Watermelon Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, Sesame Seeds, Basil Seeds, the list goes on and on. These tiny seeds are large on health health, filled with omega-2 fats, fiber, and protective lignans. They are know to help decrease heart disease risks and improve blood sugar levels.
- Tofu Shirataki Noodles. High in konjac root extract fiber which keeps you satiated longer, it also reduces blood sugar levels and improves heart disease risks in rat studies. They do seem fishy unless well rinsed before using.
- Avocados. This is a fruit encompassing healthy fats, carbohydrates, and high fiber so it’s a fruit most diabetics can welcome.
BGANGSTA is an acronym that will help you remember the various strategic ways to better distance yourself from Diabetes complications.