The latest scoop on salt is that the FDA is requesting voluntary sodium reduction goals in the food industry. Over the last several years I had been giving talks about the varying salts in use and current sodium guidelines. The truth is that the studies were controversial with arguments for both sides on the best advice to prevent hypertension. Effective October, 2021, the FDA is calling on restaurants and packaged food manufacturers to reduce the salt shaking in our foods.
It appears Americans are getting too much salt from our ready-made meals. As we become busier and reach for more “faster” foods, the salt is adding up. Current USDA guidelines are for adults to limit salt to 2300 mg/day. But Americans in general are consuming 3400 mg/day of salt. So, there is a huge opportunity to do better.
While salt is important in preserving and flavoring foods, we have to do better. Excess salt can damage our blood vessels over time leading to high blood pressure, heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes. So, step one is to acknowledge this is occurring and it’s become the norm. Step two is to look at where we can cut down. Luckily the FDA is also on the same mission so expect to re-acclimate those taste buds when you next reach for “faster” foods. Don’t go looking for the salt shaker… instead, lean in and see if you can reset the taste of the foods you love. It could mean a better quality of life for your future… and yes, you do care about that more than a few seconds on your tongue. Give it a try!