What’s a cleanse and what’s a detox?

 Cleanses are typically a product you buy diluted in juices or shakes that serve as meal replacements allowing one to also lose weight AND detox the body of waste.  You can’t do this if pregnant or lactating – either.

Detox programs can be liquid-based or eating programs to boost your immune system to do the detoxification normally.  Because the majority of people don’t want to starve and liquid diet, I created a detox eating program (RENEW) that many have had good success with in terms of detoxing.  Many claim a few pounds of weight loss as a side effect also.

There are certain instances that a cleanse is more appropriate or an eating detox is more appropriate.  Cleanses jumpstart a weight loss program well.  A regular detox program ensures your immune system runs optimally.

Why should we invest time, money, and energy into this?

Both cleanses and detoxes are designed to free up toxins that enter your system (think air pollution, water pollution, pesticides, GMOs, etc).  A healthy immune system is supposed to handle all these bombarding elements, however over time the world has become more polluted and our food supply has implemented business practices that aren’t health-centered.  For those that are health-focused, it is smart to learn more about how you can control your health.  Some common symptoms that your immune system is getting overwhelmed are:

  • Brain fog
  • Fatigue
  • Lack of focus
  • Anxiety
  • Pain
  • Moodiness
  • Depression
  • Sluggishness
  • Bloating
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Frequent Colds/Flu

My RENEW detox is a 10-day eating program free of top 10 ingredients that challenge immunity (things like gluten, refined sugar, dairy, etc.), and can be done by pregnant or lactating moms also.  It empowers the body to release that which the body need not store.  While gently detoxing, the plan is also providing dietary and lifestyle changes to explore and fully satisfy one physically, mentally, and spiritually. It’s definitely a time-out and focus inward experience.  The objective is to gently detox, eat great foods, AND deal with common signs that your immunity is not running optimally.

An internet connection is all that’s needed to participate.  After registering, one receives the full week’s shopping list, menu plan, full recipes, and entry into the facebook group to share your journey with others partaking; The comradery and support of other detox participants makes this experience fun and adventurous.  Of course the adventure would not be complete without some games and prizes, right?  Who knew how much fun it would be to detox – come experience it and see why my clients call me asking me to run another detox soon!   Here are just some of the many benefits of RENEWing:


People wanting to jump start a diet to lose weight are inspired by a cleanse.  It releases your daily habits or craving by going through a routine that involves less calorie consumption, yet keeps your blood-sugar constant.  Many people love to jump start their diets this way.  Of course a cleanse is not permanent, so after a jumpstart cleanse in January, think about a Spring Renew with me.


A great way to ensure an optimal immune system is to occasionally reduce the toxin load entering your body, and give an overwhelmed immune system a chance to recovery and re-fortify its responses.  An overwhelmed immune system doesn’t always run as well as it was designed.


People wanting to explore a new way of eating for optimal energy, or better handling an illness.  People that have always wanted to change some habits or their diet are better off trying a clean eating detox to redefine choices and habits.

My next RENEW will take place April 23 – May 2, 2018.  Check it out to learn more and recruit a friend to experience an amazing healthy journey.