by dnshah | Mar 8, 2018 | Health and Wellness Tips, Stress Management
Working with different people’s styles, backgrounds, and lifestyles means I get an opportunity to work through various “moods” to get to an end-result. Some journeys are blessings, and others provide great opportunities for learning. I’ve learned that both types of journeys are beneficial for me and very natural to encounter. I embrace all types of people, and am thankful to contribute to their success. That said, people give off energy and that energy can be felt by others in proximity. It is usually before words are spoken. Sometimes it is an abrupt walking style, a forceful gesture, or a genuine loving smile – our human brains pick up on so much even before words are spoken. Pessimistic (thinking the worst) vibrations feel like someone who is more reactive to their surroundings in a harsh way. These vibes feel louder or stronger and emanate from those that hold fear, feel unheard, or are accustomed to swimming upstream. The history of a pessimist often tells the tale of a hard struggle leading to mistrust or injustice. They need more affirmations and love to heal their wounds compared to optimists.
To change the energy pessimist give off, they must heal their inner wounds. Step one is to understand the wound itself – if one is afraid of the worst happening in every situation, ask the hard question, “Why?” The answer to the question may involve reliving a harsh reality and life journey. Accepting that past as history, and opening the mind and heart for a different outcome in the future is progress. It is not easy, and having a coach at your side is a great strategy. Once vibrations invite different outcomes, the universe often surprises us.
It is a miraculous transition once a pessimistic energy converts because there is joy where there wasn’t, there is excitement where there wasn’t, and there is love where it couldn’t be found before. To me it is the same person that was there before the transition, but now it is though the light switch has increased intensity brighter and brighter!
It is a purposeful choice to smile, or be gentler, or to think before one speaks; and likewise it is a purposeful choice to think the best of people around us and consider their situations before our own. I empower people to change their vibrations through a set of exercises starting with gratitude. What list of things are people grateful for in their life? How have they shown gratitude for them? What are they waiting for – life is short, don’t wait!
The process of an adult going back and showing appreciation (verbally & non-verbally) to their parent or guardian is often soul searching and healing. And please don’t wait until it is too late to do that. I lost my mom last year, and I’m so grateful I was able to thank her in writing and in person. If you haven’t done this yet, what are you waiting for?
The process of defining feelings of love for a good friend often begins to change a life outlook on being loved. These are completely easy ways to bring positive feelings into the realm of life, and there are many more.
The energy we give off combines with other energy in proximity to bring about an end reality. The more pessimistic (thinking the worst) vibrations becomes stronger, the more reality can mirror it. We can see this in the animal world. One angry reactive animal joining a bunch makes them all hostile and distrustful. As humans, we are privileged to have the gift of language with each other; and this gift can lift and inspire people, or undermine hope by depicting mistrust and fear for others. I hope we all do this gift of communication justice by trying our best to spreading gratitude and service for other souls we encounter on our life journey. I believe it’s not an accident when we encounter others, but that there is a purpose that person is before me. Then it becomes a game to find out why. People provide opportunities for us to progress our own soul.
by dnshah | Mar 8, 2018 | Age Defying, Diet and Weight Loss, Health and Wellness Tips, Obesity, Stress Management
One of the things that most of my clients love to incorporate is a nutrient dense breakfast protein smoothie. How healthy are protein shakes?
They are only as healthy as the ingredients that go into them! So if we’re talking buying a bottle from the store – chances are taste becomes more important than health. When a brand wants to sell their product, they have to ensure people understand it, can afford it, like it, and will buy it. And then the focus is on repeat business (taste). I have not found any ready-made protein smoothies that are NOT full of sugars and additives. It’s the nature of the business.
For this reason, I advocate for MAKING homemade protein smoothies. This means that you have to invest in some protein powder varieties (whey protein, pea protein, soy protein, etc.), and some fruits/vegetables that blend well together. In addition the protein smoothie is an excellent carrier for other superfoods (nuts, seeds, fiber, spices, fats, omega-3s, herbs) that add to the taste as well as the nourishment.
What are the benefits of the concept of protein smoothies? When incorporated on a daily or almost daily basis, they provide a convenient (could be packed to-go in the early mornings) medium of consuming a nutrient rick breakfast every day. Most of us don’t have a lot of extra time in the mornings, and many of us are on the go. The idea of blending some healthy foods together into a shake and drinking it becomes one that many people are willing to try. Once they realize it satisfies them, is easy to make, easy to digest, hydrates them, is versatile, has endless varieties depending on various ingredient combinations, prevents the munchies later, and empowers some weight loss in a comfortable way – many of clients are on-board to do it long term. And I didn’t even mention that it becomes very easy to add superfood key ingredients (turmeric, psyllium husk, flax seeds, etc) so that that decadent protein smoothie becomes an immune booster, and a natural detoxifier.
What are examples of the “better” ones? The “better” ones are homemade, have no added refined sugar, and have no dairy. They are based in water and have 30-40% fruits, 40-50% vegetables, and the remainder is filled with protein and superfood toppings. Ideally you drink a different flavored/colored smoothie every day/week so the body gets a chance to get the various nutrition it needs in a week.
What are the drawbacks? It takes some time to buy and prepare the foods you would want to use in the quick morning smoothie blends. But I find that once/week or once/month, you can buy, wash, cut, and pack individual ziplocs of the smoothie ingredients and then FREEZE them. This way in the morning, you just grab a bag – add protein, seeds, nuts, husk, and blend. Voila – you’re done!
Do they help with building muscles? The different qualities of each protein would help in different ways – but generally speaking increasing your protein intake would help to repair muscles during a process of building or recovery. This means a protein smoothie is useful BEFORE or AFTER a workout. Is there a healthier alternative? The only way to get the benefits discussed are to ingest real foods. It may take a while to actually eat all of these things during the day – and you have to find the time to prep and eat them; or come up with a system that you quickly blend these amazing foods and drink them to jump start your day. My husband and I can vouch for our mornings being complete with our smoothies. Additionally I talk about protein smoothies in my TedX Talk too. They are a means of great power, energy, and recovery.
by dnshah | Mar 8, 2018 | Health and Wellness Tips
What’s a cleanse and what’s a detox?
Cleanses are typically a product you buy diluted in juices or shakes that serve as meal replacements allowing one to also lose weight AND detox the body of waste. You can’t do this if pregnant or lactating – either.
Detox programs can be liquid-based or eating programs to boost your immune system to do the detoxification normally. Because the majority of people don’t want to starve and liquid diet, I created a detox eating program (RENEW) that many have had good success with in terms of detoxing. Many claim a few pounds of weight loss as a side effect also.
There are certain instances that a cleanse is more appropriate or an eating detox is more appropriate. Cleanses jumpstart a weight loss program well. A regular detox program ensures your immune system runs optimally.
Why should we invest time, money, and energy into this?
Both cleanses and detoxes are designed to free up toxins that enter your system (think air pollution, water pollution, pesticides, GMOs, etc). A healthy immune system is supposed to handle all these bombarding elements, however over time the world has become more polluted and our food supply has implemented business practices that aren’t health-centered. For those that are health-focused, it is smart to learn more about how you can control your health. Some common symptoms that your immune system is getting overwhelmed are:
- Brain fog
- Fatigue
- Lack of focus
- Anxiety
- Pain
- Moodiness
- Depression
- Sluggishness
- Bloating
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Frequent Colds/Flu
My RENEW detox is a 10-day eating program free of top 10 ingredients that challenge immunity (things like gluten, refined sugar, dairy, etc.), and can be done by pregnant or lactating moms also. It empowers the body to release that which the body need not store. While gently detoxing, the plan is also providing dietary and lifestyle changes to explore and fully satisfy one physically, mentally, and spiritually. It’s definitely a time-out and focus inward experience. The objective is to gently detox, eat great foods, AND deal with common signs that your immunity is not running optimally.
An internet connection is all that’s needed to participate. After registering, one receives the full week’s shopping list, menu plan, full recipes, and entry into the facebook group to share your journey with others partaking; The comradery and support of other detox participants makes this experience fun and adventurous. Of course the adventure would not be complete without some games and prizes, right? Who knew how much fun it would be to detox – come experience it and see why my clients call me asking me to run another detox soon! Here are just some of the many benefits of RENEWing:
People wanting to jump start a diet to lose weight are inspired by a cleanse. It releases your daily habits or craving by going through a routine that involves less calorie consumption, yet keeps your blood-sugar constant. Many people love to jump start their diets this way. Of course a cleanse is not permanent, so after a jumpstart cleanse in January, think about a Spring Renew with me.
A great way to ensure an optimal immune system is to occasionally reduce the toxin load entering your body, and give an overwhelmed immune system a chance to recovery and re-fortify its responses. An overwhelmed immune system doesn’t always run as well as it was designed.
People wanting to explore a new way of eating for optimal energy, or better handling an illness. People that have always wanted to change some habits or their diet are better off trying a clean eating detox to redefine choices and habits.
My next RENEW will take place April 23 – May 2, 2018. Check it out to learn more and recruit a friend to experience an amazing healthy journey.
by dnshah | Mar 8, 2018 | Health and Wellness Tips
We believe that 25% of kids and 41% of adults use non-nutritive sweeteners (NNS), mainly from beverages and some foods. An NNS is a zero- or low-calorie sugar substitute (like aspartame, sucralose, or stevia). It is preferred by many people striving to be healthier; and clinically it is recommended for weight management and glycemic control. But does it really help with these things? A 10-year study by Azad et al. to quantify the impact of regular consumption of NNS on obesity and cardio-metabolic endpoints. The meta-analysis found that NNS don’t help with obesity or overall health. The results point out the following:
- In random controlled trials, there was NO significant effect on BMI
- In cohort studies, there was a modest INCREASE in weight and BMI
- In cohort studies, there was an INCREASE in waist circumference, hypertension, cardiovascular events, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes.
- Observational studies showed an INCREASE in abdominal fat and cardio-metabolic risk.
Now the main reason people use these substances… is to help with sugar and weight management; but according to the study, we see that the NNSs are not living up to their mission. Keeping in mind that we still don’t know the full effects of NNS – they are still relatively new and it will take time to understand the impacts of long-term human consumption. For this reason, this health coach advises some caution when deciding how to sweeten your beverages or food. People have acclimated to needing a “sweet” taste from their foods, but it is wise to acclimate our taste buds to appreciate the other 4 taste centers that reside on our tongues (salty, bitter, sour, umami) and thereby allowing a wider range of foods which are acceptable. As much as society tells us we need sugar, nutritionally we really don’t. I challenge you to satisfy and expand your taste preferences by including more of the other tastes our tongues recognize. Instead of a soda, consider a freshly brewed herbal tea sans sweetener, or pure water flavored with mint, cucumbers, or fruit.
by dnshah | Mar 8, 2018 | Health and Wellness Tips
Peri- and post-menopausal women, aged 50-60, typically gain 1.5 pounds per year. It was once believed this is because of a decrease in overall estrogen levels. Declining estrogen can lead to an increase in total body fat, and a decrease in lean body mass. Today a more accurate theory points to more bio-individual factors, such as:
- Aging, which lowers lean body mass and resting metabolic rate.
- Sleep disturbances, which can lead to less physical activity during the day.
- Less physical activity, which lowers lean body mass and resting metabolic rate.
- Not reducing caloric intake with age, which commonly results in weight gain.
Peri- and post-menopausal women also see weight gain deposited in the mid-region, as compared to other women generally gaining weight. The pattern of depositing fat in the central region can also increase risks of cardiovascular disease, which is the leading cause of death in post-menopausal women. Also obese post-menopausal women have a higher mortality rate than non-obese counterparts. So it is very important for peri- and post-menopausal women to strive for weight reduction at this phase of life. A healthy eating plan which curbs weight may also help to reduce risks for obesity related diseases and some cancers (breast & uterine).
Effective weight reduction plans should focus on the body’s changing nutritional needs, and get to the heart of unhealthy eating habits and cravings. There should be 150 – 175 minutes of physical movement (like brisk walking) each week. Resistance exercise is important for increasing lean body mass. There should also be some quiet time for focus and reflection. When you finally give your mind, body, and soul the nutrition that it needs, unhealthy cravings should subside. Currently the Mediterranean diet and my own R.I.G.H.T. diet (for autoimmunity) stand out as superior options for reducing cardiovascular risks and weight loss. Yoga serves as a superior therapy for the body and mind. Working with a health coach, lifestyle coach, behavioral psychologist, or dietician has shown improved outcomes in this journey. What are you waiting for? Schedule your appointment today!
Kapoor E, et al. Weight Gain in Women at Midlife: A Concise Review of the Pathophysiology and Strategies for Management. Mayo Clin Proc. October 2017:92 (10):1552-1558