Brussel Sprouts are a cruciferous vegetables closely related to the cabbage family – they look like miniature cabbage! we want to include brussel sprouts in a regular diet because they have valuable properties: cholesterol lowering benefit, DNA protection, anti-cancer protection (best of all cruciferous vegetables), detoxification support, anti-inflammatory support, and cardiovascular support.
- 1 lb. Brussel Sprouts
- ¾ small onion, finely chopped (3 oz.)
- ¼ cup coriander leaves, sliced
- Juice of 1 lemon
- 2 Tablespoons EVOO
- ½ teaspoon chili powder
- ⅛ teaspoon salt for chaat
- ⅛ teaspoon salt for brussel sprouts
- Pinch of black pepper, to taste
- Preheat oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
- In a large mixing bowl, combine the brussel sprouts, EVOO, ⅛ teaspoon salt, and pepper; and mix well.
- Transfer the sprouts onto a cookie sheet, and roast in the oven for 40 minutes. Keep the mixing bowl handy for the chaat.
- Remove from oven and allow to cool for 15 minutes before cutting for the chaat.
- In a food processor, pulse the brussel sprouts several times so they are somewhat chopped.
- Transfer the chopped brussel sprouts into the mixing bowl.
- Mix in the onions, chili powder, ⅛ teaspoon salt, lemon juice, and coriander leaves.
- Mix well and serve immediately.
These recipes are copyright @2014 NutriLiciousRecovery.