Aspirin Therapy Recommendations

Aspirin Therapy Recommendations

The recommendations on aspirin therapy for the prevention of cardiovascular disease has changed this year (March, 2019),and it reverses decades of medical advice in the US.  The new guidelines say that lose-dose aspirin should NOT be recommended on a regular basis for cardiovascular disease for adults under the age of 70.  There are various other factors (heart attack risk, high blood pressure, bleeding risk, previous heart attack, etc.,) that only your doctor can map into your health profile and make the best determination if aspirin therapy is for you or not.

The reason for the change in guideline is because the benefits of aspirin are not evident in the more recent studies, but some harm is.  For seniors over the age of 70, the risk of bleeding is higher and aspirin therapy can be more harmful unless there is already an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Aspirin therapy is not beneficial for people under the age of 40 either unless there is an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.  The risk of bleeding into the brain or stomach is greater than the preventative benefits to those with a lower risk of cardiac issues.

In a 2014 study, aspirin therapy increased the risk of side effects instead of reducing risk of cardiac issues with people having multiple risk factors including high cholesterol, blood pressure or diabetes.  In 2018 published studies, the rate of bleeding into the stomach was higher than the benefits of the aspirin therapy.    Other risks of aspirin therapy include cancer and death.




2013, November; Patrono, Carlo; European Heart Journal, Volume 34, Issue 44, Low-Dose aspirin in primary prevention: cardioprotection, chemoprevention, both, or neither?

2014, December; Ikeda YShimada KTeramoto TUchiyama SYamazaki TOikawa SSugawara MAndo KMurata MYokoyama KIshizuka N; JAMA,312(23); Low-dose aspirin for primary prevention of cardiovascular events in Japanese patients 60 years or older with atherosclerotic risk factors: a randomized clinical trial.

2018, October; ASCEND Study Collaborative Group; New England Journal of Medicine; 379; Effects of Aspirin for Primary Prevention in Persons with Diabetes Mellitus.

2018, September; Gaziano JMBrotons CCoppolecchia RCricelli CDarius HGorelick PBHoward GPearson TARothwell PMRuilope LMTendera MTognoni GARRIVE Executive Committee; Lancet, 392; Use of aspirin to reduce risk of initial vascular events in patients at moderate risk of cardiovascular disease: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.

Signs of a Dietary Issue

Signs of a Dietary Issue

A majority of folks have asked me how they would know that they are experiencing a dietary or digestive issue.  The top sign is not a gastro-intestinal one, so people don’t always catch it early.  Here are the top 10 signs of a dietary issue (in order of frequency):

  1. Brain Fog, or other decline in brain function
  2. Migraines
  3. Chronic Fatigue (unexplained low energy levels)
  4. Gastrointestinal Issues (Gas, Bloating, Nausea, Diarrhea, Constipation, Frequent BMs)
    1. This includes IBS- Irritable Bowel Syndrome and SIBO- Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth symptoms which can be seen by chronic bad breath, GI issues, nutrient malabsorption, and frequent BMs)
    2. This includes food intolerances which seems to occur after damage to the gut microbiome (“leaky gut”), for those people with a genetic vulnerability to some health issue.
  5. Joint Pain (or other unexplained chronic inflammation)
  6. Skin conditions (rash, dryness, flare-up)
  7. Nutrient Malabsorption (Unexplained weight gain or loss)
  8. Loss of immune tolerance
  9. Mood swings (including anxiety or depression)
  10. Any Autoimmune Condition (Diabetes Type II, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hashimoto’s, Graves’, Celiac, etc.)


The type of diet that can cause these signs involves consuming some ingredients that a body can’t digest appropriately.  The challenge is that our digestion is bio-individual.  What someone else can digest easily, you may not be able to.  Reasons for bio-individuality are difference in genetic vulnerability, environmental factors, and microbe exposures – even identical twins have bio-individual digestion.


To resolve this there are 2 schools of thought:

  • Elimination Diet Trials – guess what could be your issue (dairy, gluten, nightshades, lectins, etc.) and eliminate them from your diet for a given period of time to see if conditions improve. Recommended Trial time is 6 weeks for EACH ingredient.  So this takes time, structure, and some knowledge of how to balance your nutrition with missing ingredients.  Alternatively, you can adopt an existing diet trial that removes common sensitivities – Paleo, Keto, Gluten Free, Pegan, Vegan, etc.  My book, RIGHT Diet for Autoimmunity, provides a vegetarian journey without gluten, dairy, or refined sugar.
  • Food Sensitivity Testing – Take a blood test and wait for results. The results will indicate which food ingredients are triggering issues within the body’s immune system.  This option costs several hundred dollars, but provides immediate answers – often times with a 98% accuracy.  Nutritional therapists, Health Coaches, and Functional doctors are able to refer you to the right test/lab as there are many options to choose from.


If you experience any of these signs discussed, FIRST go to your medical practitioner to rule out more SERIOUS issues.  Then seek the guidance of a health coach, nutritional therapist, or functional doctor to assist you with elimination diets and/or food sensitivity testing.  Any time you make dietary changes, you still want to ensure you are still getting the recommended dietary allowances of essential nutrition.  Contact me and I can set up your testing and nutritional consult.  Some of the labs I can help you with are published on my site.

The Water in You

The Water in You

Our bodies are approximately 60% water, and must remain so for our organs to function.  Our organs can vary in water content, but our lungs remain in high demand for hydration – around 83% water.  The quantity of water we need to maintain our hydration demands will depend on age, gender, body size, location, and lifestyle; but for a general approximate would be 64 -72 oz. for women and 72 -80 oz. for men.  This varies with added physical fitness demands and hotter climates.

Tap water quality is something I talk about with my clients, because it is impacted from a variety of factors: location, pipes used, age of pipes, city’s water processing, & home filtration systems.  The only thing people have control over is the last item.  What home filtration processes have you set up?  I empower people to think through this as water is a fundamental requirement for our bodies to perform optimally and we have the control to upgrade the quality.

A large percentage of the toxins found in our water will just run through your system – which is great; but the remainder percentage of toxins may stay with you – until you take actions to detox.  The problem is that we still don’t know the safety of these toxins that stick around.  That’s why I urge some thought on water filtration systems, avoiding beverage storage in plastic containers, and the chemical leaching into our beverages when stored in commercial containers.

That said, packaged drinking water is critical to hydration for a majority of the 2.1 billion people world-wide who lack adequate access to safe tap water.  If you must drink bottled water from plastic, be aware of which brands have less plastic contamination in them via the latest non-profit informational study.  (Sneak Peek: San Pellegrino, Evian, & Dasani were found to have the least particles in their water)  These findings suggest that a person who drinks a liter of bottled water a day might be consuming tens of thousands of microplastic particles each year.

How this might affect your health, and that of your family, is still unknown; but some information has surfaced which shows that microplastics can absorb toxic chemicals linked to serious illnesses (including cancer).   That is why I empower you to think through upgrading the quality of the water you drink… and the quality of water you breathe in daily.

We breathe in approximately 7 minutes of water in our showers.  For many, this water is heavily mixed in with chlorine; unless they have purchased a shower filter.  Shower filters are very economical and easy to install.  I recommend looking into it and taking actions to increase the quality of water you and your family are exposed to routinely.

Diabetes & Plant-Based Diets

Diabetes & Plant-Based Diets

For the last 15 years, research shows that diet and lifestyle changes can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D) in general.  But the latest information shows that race impacts this risk, for example Native Americans are at higher than average risk of T2D.  For the last 10 years, eight pueblos of New Mexico and the Navajo Nation have been trialing dietary changes to prevent and reverse diabetes, namely going plant-based…. and they’ve been successful.  Thanks to many experts from the Navajo Nation, the Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine, and the director of diabetes education, a four-week plant-based eating challenge was conducted citing these significant benefits.

Now they are expanding with more plant-based cooking classes, plant-based “chef’s special” meal options in their cafeterias, professional development seminars for hospital chefs, and presentations with additional materials.  Whether you are at a higher risk for T2D or not, you too can be empowered with strategies to improve your health.  Contact us for your first complimentary consultation.

Bag It

Bag It

Women typically carry purses around, and over time these bags become heavier.  These heavier bags can cause harm, in terms of imbalanced skeletal stress and pain.  Consider and prioritize the contents: a wallet, cosmetics, glasses, charging block, office supplies, water bottle, etc.  And for the busy traveler, add in a laptop, charger, a meal, hand sanitizer, and so on.  The correct weight of a bag carried everywhere is the weight of a newborn.  Anything more than this can sway your balance from your shoulders to your hips, impacting your back and spine.  In order to maintain that natural curve of our spines, we have to activate the muscles that allow us to be aligned with ease.

Carrying a bag over the same shoulder day after day is not recommended.  Think balance and alignment.  Alternate the sides you shoulder a bag or use a cross-body bag or backpack.  The backpack is the best choice allowing full symmetry as your body comes together to shoulder the weight.  The second best option is the cross-body which allows a close body fit, less stress to the spine, and a load that is symmetrical to carry.  The third choice is to alternate a bag across the shoulders.

Think Green

Think Green

The latest research has found that just one serving of leafy greens a day can take more than a decade (11 years) off an aging brain, in terms of decreased brain power; and two servings a day can have even greater results.  What does this mean exactly?  Our memory and brain function typically decline as we age; but we can take actions that allow us to not only stop memory loss, but also reverse it. One such action is eating our daily serving of greens.

In the past I’ve talked about the importance of G-B-O-M-B-S, the acronym used to discuss the daily foods one should eat to be healthy.  It stands for Greens, Beans, Onions, Mushrooms, Berries, and Seeds/Nuts.  That “G” just got upgraded to first class.  Realistically the brain is one of our most prized organs, and if there is any nutrition out there that can minimize damage and promote improvement, it has to be talked about.

The strongest association with slowing down our aging decline in the brain is consumption of spinach, kale, collard greens, and lettuce varieties.  Does it really matter if it is the vitamin K1, betacarotene, phylloquinone, lutein, nitrate, folate, kaempferol or alpha tocopherol?  Most people don’t care as long as we are getting the benefits of consuming the greens in our meals or our smoothies (or both)!  Remember that the Environmental Working Group states that spinach, kale, and celery made the dirty dozen list in 2019 and should be purchased organic.

For those actively trying to improve brain function, nutritional supplements can have a big impact, especially in terms of curcumin, a quality omega 3 (fish oil, flax meal), B vitamin supplements, and co-enzyme Q10.  For more information, seek out a health professional to help you work your best strategy to improve you.  Yes, you can!


2018, January 16; Barnes, LL; Bennett, DA; Booth, SL; Dawson-Hughes, B; Morris, MC; Wang, Y.; Neurology 90(3); Nutrients and Bioactives in Green Leafy Vegetables and Cognitive Decline.