My final thoughts in March, 2020 are that with this global outbreak happening right now, there are two distinct populations emerging: those that have gotten COVID-19 and those that haven’t.  The survivors of our infected population are emerging as the “immune” population.  Eventually there may be a need to differentiate which population we belong to (perhaps like a “digital certificate”) identifying those that have already had exposure.  They are the ones we will count on for plasma therapies and research to vaccinate those of us that haven’t had exposure.  They are the ones that can safely travel and lend support elsewhere.  They are the ones that have an opportunity to help reinstate our medical care entities that will grow weary.  They are the ones that will be in high demand, in fact I already see social media posts asking for these immune people’s assistance.  They are the ones that can “get on” with their lives, while the rest of us avoid [delay] exposure flatten the curve and wait for herd immunity or a successful COVID-19 cocktail therapy.

Currently due to HIPAA regulations, we don’t know which population one belongs to; and I wonder if that will change based on demand and need.  Our current vaccine timeline is still 1-2 years away.  1. What do you think?

  1. Do you think we should identify if we’ve been exposed or not?
  2. And considering that many people are asymptomatic carriers, how will we effectively test everyone that has been exposed?
  3. Do you think we should have private testing of COVID-19 since the public testing is falling short of demand?

So for most of us, our days of boosting immunity, staying healthy and strong, and social distancing – we are living our “new normal” for a while.  Be safe and be kind to one another.