Generally humans need and thrive on social engagement.  That’s why researchers are investigating the impact of pandemic isolation for so many months.  Did it impact you that you were quarantined and isolated for so much time?  Did it affect your mood? Did it affect your nutrition? Did it make you question life and how you belong?

Reviewing recently published reviews on neurobiology of social isolation, we see that there is impact of social deprivation for the majority of folks. Our immune system is impacted by loneliness and psychological distress.  In fact our impaired immune system leaves us MORE vulnerable to disease.  It can become a vicious cycle that the more action we take to protect our health is the very thing that undermines it.  Especially given that the time frame for isolation was very lengthy, and that translates into chronic stress for our bodies, mind, soul, spirit, and immune system – at times without the knowledge or control to make things better.

The best ways to neutralize the damage to our immune system are listed here for those that acknowledge they could use some recovery:

  • Probiotics – which will feed the gut bacteria and improve overall immunity.  The same can be said for cleaner eating – less sugar, preservatives, processing & more vegetables, lean protein
  • Virtual social interaction – there are many clubs that have gone virtual!  You still get to see all your friends and catch up with them in a group atmosphere.  If your community hasn’t started virtual clubs yet, you start one for them.  Be the lead.
  • Singing is associated with several brain areas and impacts emotional behavior.  It also releases endorphins and dopamine to better counter stress.  The same can be said for Coloring, Meditation, and Yoga.
  • Therapy visits may also help shift trauma mindsets with varying perspectives and focus on that which can be controlled.  Better emotional management is a great step for self-confidence and combating stress
  • Less news vs. news every second of every day allows the brain some reflection time vs absorption time.  Balance is very important and even the influx of news has to pause to allow proper understanding and reflection.  These days we have to decipher the veracity of what we see and hear – that’s okay; but we need to budget the time for that reflection.