For many of us in Gulf coast states like Texas and Louisiana, for a few more weeks we are overcast with dust from the Saharan regions. This is a reoccurrence, but now it is providing another dimension of respiratory distress.  This moving dust, for some folks, can cause symptoms that resemble COVID19 symptoms (dry coughs, wheezing, shortness of breath, and/or mild chest pain). The difference between the Saharan dust symptoms and COVID symptoms is that the dust shouldn’t really cause fever, muscle aches, GI issues, nor loss of smell. It’s important to be aware of this difference, as it can mean the difference in time management of getting to a doctor for guidance.

We don’t need to take the extra precaution of not going outside during this time; it’s important to be outdoors, take in the sunlight, get physical movement, and feel free and “normal.” That said, it is important to put on a cloth mask during this time because the mask may help prevent some dust irritants from getting into your respiratory system. So double-duty function for the cloth masks for now! It may be prudent to not spend excessive time outside – just until the dust settles! It is anticipated to settle by mid-July, 2020