Maybe one of the best gifts that 2020 brings is the chance to slow down and reconnect with yourself to feel more in control of your life choices.  Suddenly we are not in automatic drive mode, but in mindful acknowledgement that things are different… perhaps forever-more.


How do we navigate changes that COVID19 has effected around the country/world?  There is no better time than now to ask the introspective questions of life and your value system.

  1. What’s really important to you – the long-haul perspective? We all are bio-individual in terms of our DNA and how it responds to individual conditions.  It’s no surprise then that we all may have different values and different priorities placed on them.  Reflecting on our values can mitigate some stress effects as we finalize on what means most to us at this time in our lives.  If you want to better understand your values, you can look at these VALUES flashcards, and select the five that are most important to you.  These are your core values.
  2. What’s worked well for you in the past in dealing with stress? We all have different histories, and avenues we’ve already explored with stress busters.  Maybe you already have ideas on how to calm the inner fires that create anxiety within.  The successful approaches of yesterday may have some positive effects as anti-stress agents, and you won’t know until you try.  Self-reflect a bit on any strategy that didn’t work well, and pass it so you can focus on what does work well.  A number of ideas come to mind for calming that inner spirit within.  These include breathwork, meditation, a fun activity, a brisk walk, a hot tub-soak with fragrant candles around, or indulging in my favorite cup of tea.
  3. Where are your resources? Spend a minute understanding your resources today – Where you can lean on to get compassion and empathy.  Brainstorm on the full gamut of resources at your disposal.  Have you socially closed yourself off because of COVID19?  Perhaps its time to open those channels in a safe responsible way.  We know more about COVID19 today than we did in March; so heed the science, and take some steps to live life socially again, with caution.  Don’t sit in the sidelines, afraid and stressed; that can do more harm than good mentally.
  4. What are your strengths? If you aren’t sure, take a free strengths assessment here, and then dedicate a notebook to journal your thoughts, wisdom, and strategies to alter your future with a mindset that is open to creativity and not encumbered with stress.  Knowing you have strengths, resources, and past successes can guide you to tomorrow’s success with stress management.